Esperanza Real Estate Company in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico participated in the resort’s seasonal turtle release on Nov 13 just as the sun was setting in a cloud of color that turned the ocean purplish pink, we were fortunate to have participated in a baby turtle release on our very own beach at Esperanza.  Seeing the wonder on the faces of small children, like my 20 mos old nephew, Jacks, holding the tiny turtles in their hands and watching the newborn turtles scurry to the water in an age-old ritual instinct for survival was an unforgettable experience that brought joy to the faces of everyone present.  After releasing the babies we had the very special experience of releasing a fully-grown Leatherback sea turtle name Hope into the sea with a transmitter on her back.  The tracking device will help biologists of the county’s Marine Sea Turtle Protection Program learn more about the migratory patterns of the endangered turtles that nest on our shores in order to better protect them.  You can track Hope here:  As my nephew says, ‘bye bye Hope, have fun, see you soon’!